Crossline Blog

Why You Won’t Regret Having Fun (15 Ways You Can)

August 06, 2022 | Posted by : Donna Jones

JP and I sat crouched on the floor in our garage, pouring over old photos. We’d been tasked with finding baby pictures of our middle daughter, Kylie, who’s expecting her first child in just four weeks.

“Look at this!”

“Oh my gosh…I didn’t even remember that!”

Our conversation went on like this for a full two hours, as we handed pictures to each other, remembering the years gone by.

Most of the pictures retold happy days. Few documented anything really significant. Sure, there were photos of births, birthdays, and graduations, but the majority of pictures were moments of simplicity.

Memories in the making.

Why do I bring this up? Because fun is holy. And we all need more of it.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

But, maybe you’re thinking, I don’t have time for fun. Or, I’m not convinced fun is important. 

Here’s why you (yes, you!) need fun in your life:

Fun connects us with others. Fun lightens our stress. Fun brings us joy. Fun reminds us that every good gift is from God. Fun refuels us. Fun keeps us youthful. Fun is good for our relationships. Fun replenishes our souls!

These are scientific facts.

As you read this, it’s likely the beginning of August. That’s the time many of us start winding down our plans for fun and revving up our plans for productivity.

And yes, we need to be productive.

But, we also need to create some happy memories.

We need to connect with our kids, grandkids, siblings, and parents. And, we need to give ourselves permission to have a little fun all on our own, too.

When our kids were growing up we occasionally planned days we affectionately dubbed, “Family Fun Days”. When they were young, our kids loved our Jones Family Fun Days. During the teen years, they sometimes pushed back, “Why do we have to have Family Fun Days? No one else does.”

“Do you like the way most of those families get along with each other?”

“Um…not really.”

“Well, there’s your answer. Get in the car. You’ll have a great time today. I promise.”

And, you know what?  For the most part, they did.

We have the pictures to prove it.

I’m not suggesting our life was picture-perfect, or that every “family fun day” was an epic adventure or drama-free. Please don’t think we escaped the ups and downs life brings all of us. Because we didn’t.

But, I am suggesting that our rhythm of fun provided a foundation where the good times undergirded the hard times. It made life less stressful, which made all things more manageable. It bonded us in ways that carry over to this day.

And, most important, fun moments became fond memories.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your calendar and give yourself the gift of fun. And, when you do, remember to whisper, “God, thank you for the gift of fun.”

You are loved,


15 Ideas for Cheap, Fun Things to Do:

  1. Go on a picnic
  2. Visit a zoo
  3. Ride a bike
  4. Go to a play, museum, or art gallery
  5. Spend a day at the beach or a lake
  6. Hike
  7. Visit someplace local you’ve never been
  8. Throw a spontaneous block party
  9. Go to your county fair
  10. Have your favorite people over for dinner, dessert, or game night
  11. Play pickleball
  12. Visit a town close to yours and explore for the afternoon
  13. Call a childhood friend and reminiscence
  14. Shop at a farmer’s market or flea market
  15. Eat at a restaurant with a type of food you’ve never tried
  16. Bonus: Google, “Fun Things to Do Near Me” and pick one

PS. If you haven’t listened to my podcast, “That’s Just What I Needed” why don’t you listen today? You can find it everywhere you listen to podcasts, Apple, Spotify, Podchaser, Stitcher, and more. 

Also, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram @donnaajones or Facebook, Donna Jones, Speaker and Author.