Crossline Blog

What to Do with Your Worries, Cares and Concerns

November 03, 2023 | Posted by : Donna Jones

If I can figure it out by myself, I will.

What? You, too?

We’re the “get-‘er-done” type gals; women you can count on. We’re resourceful, responsible, and reliable.

These qualities serve us well. Until they don’t.

Some things can’t be figured out alone. Some things are too heavy to bear, some are too deep to bury. And some are just flat out above our pay grade.

In many ways this year has been a heavy one for our family, as it has for several of our friends and church members. Maybe it’s been a weighty year for you, too. Perhaps you’ve battled sickness, relational heartache, loss of a job, transition, or death of a loved one.

These things can take us to the end of our resources–emotionally, physically, financially, and sometimes, even spiritually.

Yesterday I opened my Bible to a passage of scripture I knew would speak to the issue of heaviness, anxiety, and suffering—1 Peter 5—and noticed something I hadn’t seen before.

“All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,

‘God opposes the proud
    but shows favor to the humble.’

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:5-7)

Some versions translate the word “anxiety’ as “cares”. God invites us to cast our anxiety–our cares–onto HIM. The word “cast” means “to throw”. It’s an aggressive throwing, too, not a casual toss.

Casting our cares on the Lord can look different ways for different people, or even different circumstances. It might mean a whispered prayer, “Lord, I’ve been trying to manage this on my own but now I invite you in.” It might sound like a prayer of desperation, “Lord, I give this to you. It’s too big for me.” I might be a prayer for wisdom, “Lord, I don’t know what to do. I need your wisdom and perspective.”

You may be familiar with this comforting Bible verse (if not, now you are—and don’t you love it!?) But before you chalk this up to nothing more than a nice spiritual platitude, look more closely. What word is repeated three times in two verses?

Humble or humility.

Humble people cast their cares on God; hardheaded people don’t.

Until today, I’d never considered the possibility that not casting my cares on God was an act of pride.

Prideful, self-sufficient women think they can figure all things out on their own. All. The. Time.

When faced with worries, cares, and concerns, essentially, we have two choices. Both center around the issue of who’s placed in the seat of control. We can:

  1. Cast our cares on God
  2. Keep our cares to ourselves

When I humble myself before God, acknowledging that I need his help to manage my cares and anxiety-producing concerns, God isn’t disappointed in me. He’s not bothered that I can’t figure everything out on my own. Instead, the text tells us, “God shows favor (or grace)” to the humble.

When I cast my cares on God, He casts His shadow of grace on me.

Isn’t that the most beautiful truth?

What cares are you shouldering today? What concerns are weighing you down with anxiety? What issue have you been trying to figure out on your own, turning it over in your mind until your head spins?

In God-pleasing humility, cast it on the Lord.

Because He cares for you, my friend.



PS. If you don’t follow me on Instagram, I’d love to connect with you there. I’m at @donnaajones. And, make sure you listen to the “That’s Just What I Needed”podcast where you’ll find lots of encouragement, wisdom from insightful guests ,and “just what you need” for almost any issue of life. Find it everywhere you listen to podcasts.