Crossline Blog

My Skin Cancer and My Sin Cancer

August 24, 2024 | Posted by : Donna Jones

Hey Friend!

I’m writing from the dermatologist’s office; I’m in the middle of Moh’s surgery to remove skin cancer from my forehead. And, despite the lone photo of a paddle boarder on a calm sea (an obvious attempt to settle anxious patients), the grey walls and sterile white furniture serve as a reminder that this isn’t a place to curl up and get cozy. It’s a place to take out that which could harm me.

“I’m impressed they found this cancer,” the surgeon remarks, “on the surface, it’s a small one.”

I can’t help but think how much my skin cancer is like my sin cancer.

Some sins appear small, barely visible to the naked eye: hateful thoughts, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, self-promotion, pride, debilitating fear, shame, a critical spirit, seething anger.

We can struggle with attitudes like these, and our friends and family might not even know!

But, just like my skin cancer, their insidious roots can penetrate deep beyond the surface, eventually causing harm if not removed.

Right now, I’m perched on a surgical chair waiting to see if the roots of my skin cancer go deep, or if we caught it before it’s spread.

If we caught and removed the cancer early, I’m told the scar would be minimal. If we didn’t, well….

It’s the same thing with our sin. The earlier we detect attitudes that don’t reflect who we are in Christ, and remove them, the less damage they do to our lives. It’s a two-fold process:

Detect Sin Cancer

This requires a knowledge of what sin is, and how it’s showing up in our minds and hearts. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins, it’s a beautiful, loving act of God. Conviction is God’s way of saying, “See this? It will be lethal if it goes unchecked. I’m pointing this out so you can get rid of it before it grows bigger and goes deeper and destroys your life.”

Remove Sin Cancer

This requires a purposeful removal of the sin from our minds and hearts, what the Bible calls, “repentance”. And just like conviction, repentance is a beautiful, loving word. It’s God’s way of offering us a “do-over.” Repentance purifies what isn’t pleasing, or helpful, or healthy, or holy.

We safeguard our lives when we detect and remove any sinful action or attitude.

In a few more minutes the skin surgeon will open the door and give me the pathology report. When the margins are clear of skin cancer, I’ll be free.

Jesus is our sin surgeon. He longs to make our hearts and minds free, too!

If there is any attitude or action in your life that you know is a sin, don’t wait. Name it. Repent of it  Allow Jesus to remove it and thank Jesus that He died for it.

And just like skin cancer, when the margins in our heart and mind become clear of sin cancer, we are free!



Lord,  Your Holy Spirit is convicting me of ___________________. Thank you for dying for my sins. But Lord, this attitude isn’t Christ-like and I know it. I want to walk in a manner worthy of who you called me to be. I repent from___________. Thank you that you love me, forgive me, and are here to help me as I walk with you in wholeness and freedom. Amen.

This Month on That’s Just What I Needed Podcast

We finished our summer series discussing healthy conflict in families. If you long to have better family relationships, you’ll love this series. And, you can even listen to the subject that’s just right for you!

Want a better relationship with your daughter-in-law? Listen to episode 129. Looking for what to do when conflict happening outside your marriage (think work, neighbors, in-laws) affects conflict inside your marriage? Listen to episode 127. Parenting adult kids is episode 133.

In addition, I spoke with Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith (medical doctor, and Tedx speaker) on Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, and Restore Your Sanity (episode 134).

Episode 135: How to Help the Kids in Your World Grow Up Happy, Healthy, and Christ-Like

Episode 136: Love-Focused Living with authors and licensed counselors, Boby and Judy Hughes

Click HERE to listen. Or find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts, and all podcast platforms.

P.S. Grab Your Copy of Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life right now!

P.S.S. I’d love to speak for your church or group. I’m booking into 2025, and even 2026! Simply reply to this email or contact my team via my contact page at



The post My Skin Cancer and My Sin Cancer first appeared on Donna Jones.