Crossline Blog

Meatloaf in the Dining Room

January 29, 2012 | Posted by : Gigi Johnson

Remember the rainstorm last weekend?  It was the type of weekend that invites you to stay home, build a fire and snuggle up with a blanket on the couch and rest.

Or read a book.

Or watch a movie.

And have comfort food for dinner.

On our menu that evening was meatloaf~ a beefy, saucy, Southern style meatloaf. Not exactly the healthy Southern California fare we usually cook up in the Marshall home, although I suppose we could have topped it with a few avocado slices.  But I did not expect to be serving anyone except our family, until the phone rang and some of our favorite easy-friends asked what we were doing that night. Before stopping to consider what was in the oven, I heard myself inviting them over for a game night and dinner~ if they didn’t mind eating meatloaf.   And then another couple called and before I knew it, there were too many of us to fit around the kitchen table, but plenty of meatloaf. And no choice, but to eat in the dining room.

Meatloaf in the dining room.

My daughter would be horrified if she knew that I was serving meatloaf to company.  But seriously, I have a great meatloaf recipe!  And eating in the dining room with dear friends, adding laughter and conversation to the sound of rain on the roof, created a recipe for a wonderful evening.  We topped it off with Banagrams and Scattergories for some of the best old-fashioned fun you can have on a rainy night.

A few nights later, it was girlfriends and Bibles in the family room.

Since it was a holiday, we hosted Monday night Bible study groups in our homes rather than the Fellowship Center.  My small group of friends relaxed on couches and cozy chairs, sipping decaf coffee and tea while we discussed Solomon and shared more deeply than we ever had before.  There’s something about being in a home, relaxed and comfortable, that draws you closer, opens up your hearts and encourages a whole new level of sharing.  Nothing organized or fancy, just real conversation about common struggles and shared desires to live wholeheartedly for our God, that left us feeling more connected and closer to each other.

Casual time with friends, without the fluff of entertaining, is fun and bonding.  And spending time with friends who love God is the best~ it always strengthens and encourages us.  My husband and I call these “easy friends” and they are gems worth investing in.  They are kind, loving and supportive Christian friends, who are fun and easy to be with.  You can be yourself and be challenged to be all God made you to be~ both at the same time, without feeling the need to fancy up or be anything other than real.

Are you part of a small group of friends who are genuine and real~ and encourage you to love and live for God?

When was the last time you invited an easy friend over for a simple and spontaneous evening of fun?

If you’re interested, I’m happy to share my meatloaf recipe 🙂

Blessings and Love, Lori

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:11,12

 “Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13

 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…” Hebrews 10:24,25