I’m Afraid That…(things we think but don’t always say)
October 23, 2020 | Posted by : Donna Jones
The stress of 2020 has taken its toll. Fear. Anxiety. Loneliness. Hopelessness. Worry. These are real. We all battle them–sometimes on a daily basis.
Breathe. You aren’t alone.
Recently I’ve had several conversations with women who feel overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. I’ve heard gals say things like…
I’m afraid life will never feel normal again.
I’m afraid of the future.
I’m afraid I’ll make the wrong decision.
I’m afraid I’ll mess up my kids.
I’m afraid things will never change.
I’m afraid things won’t work out.
I’m afraid of what people will think.
I’m afraid I’ll look stupid.
I’m afraid I’ll fail.
I’m afraid of the pain.
I’m afraid of the unknown.
And the list could go on…..
Fear. It’s the single biggest struggle we face. No matter what our age or stage of life, we all battle fear.
I know I do. If you follow me on social media you know my dad was in the hospital last week, and is now recovering in a physical rehab facility. Not an ideal situation at any time, but especially precarious during COVID. Obviously, an unexpected situation like this brings its own variety of fear and anxiety.
More than once in the last two weeks I’ve felt my chest tighten, my breathing shorten, and my head on the verge of exploding.
Let’s be honest: Fear stinks. Anything that causes fear stinks.
Fear rattles our physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. Fear prevents us from making wise decisions. Fear robs us of our joy, our destiny, and our contentment.
So why do we let fear rule us?
And what is fear, anyway?
Fear is an emotional response to real or perceived threat.
Like a frightened puppy, fear causes us to cower in the corner, or frantically yelp. Either way, fear stops us in our tracks.
Often we’re keenly aware of our fears. Sometimes, though, we’re not. We just know we feel stuck, anxious or insecure, and we’re not sure why.
The truth is we all feel fear. But, equally true, we don’t have to be ruled by it.
Is there any solution for our fear? Any help?
Recently I re-read a lesson I wrote in my Get Healthy Bible Study series on Contentment, and had an “ah-ha” moment–one that flooded me with the peace I so desperately need: fear, confidence and contentment are linked.
Hebrews 13:5-6 says,
…be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”
So we say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?”
Look at the scriptures closely. Do you see the emotions? Contentment. Confidence. Fear.
In essence, the writer says, “Be content with what you have right now, because God is with you right now. When you remember God is with you right now, you won’t be afraid right now.
As we embrace the unshakeable truth of God’s continual presence, our confidence is bolstered and our fears fade.
But maybe you’re thinking, Wait a minute. This world is a scary place, so it makes sense to live in fear, right?
Well…yeah…IF you’re trying to face this life alone.
But the believer never faces life alone. Never.
God doesn’t want His kids to live paralyzed by fear or insecurity.
God wants you to live content, confident and unafraid. So God whispers a life-altering truth into your ear: “I will never leave you. I will never forsake you.”
So you can say with confidence, “God will be my helper”.
God will be my helper.
God will be my helper.
God will be my helper.
God will be my helper.
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We can be content with what we have, because what we have is nothing less than God Himself.
It’s time we say with confidence “The Lord is my helper.”
Then live like we believe it.
Our fears won’t fade until we take God at His word.
Our fears won’t fade until we take God at His word.
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For further thought…
- What is causing you to feel afraid, discontent or insecure? Write it out.
- Spend time with talking to God about your fear, insecurity or discontentment. Confess any unbelief you’ve had about God’s goodness to you or His presence in your life. Thank God that He will never leave you or forsake you.
- Re-read Hebrews 13:5-6. Memorize it for extra help. Say verse 6 out loud (and with confidence!) “So I say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid’.” (Note: this is a great verse to teach your children or grand-children)
PS. Over on Instagram, Donna is in a 4 part mini-series on “How to Know God’s Will for My Life”. Find her five minute videos @donnaajones.
The post I’m Afraid That…(things we think but don’t always say) appeared first on Donna Jones.