Elijah Girls, You’re Invited!
Solitude—time alone with God—is a crucial part of our walk with Him. Even with the best of intentions, it can be really difficult to make and protect that time and space on our own, so we thought we’d help you practice!
We’ve set aside time and space away from everyday life for you to experience extended, uninterrupted, quiet and reflective space to enjoy with God. As you sit with your Bible (and some guided prompts to help you, if needed), you’ll be freed up to hear God speak and reveal what He wants you to know from His Spirit and His Word in this particular season of hour life. Don’t miss this opportunity to practice Solitude and be blessed by your Heavenly Father.
Schedule: Friday, March 19
9-10AM Coffee and Worship in the Barn
10AM-12PM Intentional Time With the Lord to Rest, Listen, Be Still (Quiet, please!)
12-1PM Lunch and Dessert
1-1:30PM Prayer Available
Location: Hitching Post Ministries in Lake Elsinore, approximately 1 hour drive from church (exact address provided upon registration). Please coordinate your own ride or carpool.
What to bring: Bible, journal, pen and appropriate outdoor clothing, as the morning is spent outdoors. Fire pits and blankets will be made available for you.
Cost: $7 to cover lunch (pay upon registration). Other than the cost to cover lunch, this event is free to you by Hitching Post Ministries. They believe in the Word of God and they believe He loves to speak to His children. They are blessed to be able to provide that special space where you can hear directly from Him. If you would like to find out more about Hitching Post Ministries please visit their website https://www.hitchingpostministries.com
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