Crossline Kids meets at 9 am and 11 am on Sundays, upstairs in the Ed Building. Open to kids from Nursery to 5th grade, we have creative programming, amazing screened volunteers, and clean facilities.
At Crossline Kids, we embrace the journey together to Love God, Love People, and Have a Blast! We also desire to equip you to guide your kids on learning more about God and living a life following Jesus.
First-time guests, start at the check-in counter at the entrance and we will get you and your kids connected!
Faithbuilders is a relationship-driven, mid-week discipleship program for Kinder to 5th grade! Kids will creatively learn the building blocks of the Christian faith with the goal to build a foundation solid enough to battle the world’s lies with the truth of the Lord. It will include an assigned small group and leader to group together in relationship and faith.
Each session will be five weeks long, running simultaneously with Get Healthy women’s program.
Men’s Mission Trip to Mexico
High School Senior Dinner
Middle School La Kings Hockey Game
Hume Lake In-Person Registration
Baby Dedications
Family Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Services
Baby Dedications