Crossline Blog

Crossline Blog

Welcome to the Crossline Blog. Here you will find posts from all our main ministries with updates, latest news as well as bible studies and encouraging posts.

How to Handle Stress Well (and what happens if we don’t)

My southern relatives had a saying I remember to this day: “She’s running like a house-a’fire”. Translation? That person never stops. It was not a compliment. Because they knew something we often forget: A house-a’fire eventually turns to ashes. We are a culture that runs like a house-a’fire; sometimes as a result of our choices,…


How to Have a Great Life: Wisdom from a 90 Year Old

What wisdom does a 90-year-old possess the rest of us wish we had, but don’t? God willing, many of us will find out someday, but my mother-in-law knows now. We celebrated her 90thbirthday this weekend. In honor of her birthday, I asked what she wanted. Her answer was pretty similar to how I suspect I’ll…


If You Feel Far from God (even a little)

Being married to a pastor comes with definite advantages. I can get my Bible questions answered at the drop of a hat, or receive godly counsel about how to handle a difficult person (hypothetically, of course–wink, wink) without making an appointment. These conversations usually take place while I make dinner and JP sits perched at…


Do You Notice the Cross?

If you walk through my house you’ll notice a variety of crosses scattered throughout. Not a ton–just enough that a casual observer would realize we are Christians. The crosses have become so familiar to me now, I hardly notice they are there. Until today. This morning I walked through our quiet rooms before everyone else…


The Single Biggest Sign of Spiritual Maturity (Do You Know What it Is?)

“You two are real Christians, aren’t you?” The question took JP and me by surprise. I mean, how do you answer a question like that? Behind the question laid an implication: some people aren’t real Christians. Or, at least, some people don’t seem like real Christians. JP and I eyed each other before we answered…


How to Read the Bible (and get something from it)

Do you ever think “I really should read the Bible” but don’t? Do you ever start reading the Bible, but get sidetracked, and stop?  Do you ever wonder why other people get oodles of insights from the Bible, while you get zilch? Do you ever read the Bible and find yourself…wait for it… Bored. You…


Ask This and Watch Your Relationships Change

One question can change a relationship. One question. And it’s not even a question you ask out loud. Want to know what it is? The gal perched in front of me droned on about the sad state of her life. She expressed her complaints not so much in words, but in whines. She oozed negativity.…


If God Knows My Need Right Now, Why Doesn’t He Meet it Right Now?

What do you need right now? Maybe a need comes to mind immediately. On the other hand, maybe you can’t think of anything. You’re one of those folks who would rather stick needles in your eye, than be labeled “needy”. Me, too. But there’s a difference between being a needy person and being a person…


Do This One Thing to Guarantee a Happy Valentine’s Day

You know what today is. And depending on your relationship status, you either love it or hate it. JP and I haven’t always been the greatest at celebrating Valentine’s Day. Case in point: one Valentine’s Day we celebrated with dinner and a movie–Silence of the Lambs. Thankfully, we still laugh about that one. The thing…


Are You a Gossip? (are you sure?)

  Years ago I worked with a gal who started countless conversations by saying, “I’m not one to gossip, but…” Her lack of awareness always made me giggle, because of course she was one to gossip. In fact, she was usually the first one to gossip. I tried everything under the sun to squelch the…


All the Benefits of Wisdom. None of the Heartaches of Pain

“The Bible demeans women”. Ever heard that?  I have. On many occasions. Whenever I hear someone speak these words, I know one thing for sure: they don’t know what’s inside the Bible. I had such fun writing this week’s article for called “11 Biblical Women We Can Learn From”, mainly because I uncovered so…


How Listening Right Can Make Your Relationships Right

How do you handle another person’s frustration, disappointment, or anger? It’s not always easy, is it? Last week our normally upbeat child found herself dealing with circumstances that left her frustrated and disappointed.  A verbal processor to the core, she shared her feelings with one of her friends.  Big mistake. Apparently the conversation hadn’t gone…


When You’re Sick of Being Discontent

My friend didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible not to overhear the man next to her. Cell phone conversations are like that. The well-groomed stranger was clearly talking to his wife, and judging by how infrequently he spoke, it was pretty much a one-sided conversation. Then suddenly, the stranger said good-bye—at precisely the…


Real Faith Brings Real Reward

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: Real Faith Brings Real Reward   “Come on, Lord. Throw the dog a bone.”   Not a very spiritual sounding prayer, is it? But it was heartfelt when I prayed it. Someone I love was weary. Worn out from battles of trying to live faithfully, they’d had…


Real Believers Pray to a God Who Really Hears

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: Real Believers Pray to a God Who Really Hears. Have you ever wondered if God really listens to your prayers? If you’re like most people the answer is “yes”. Sometimes it can seem like our prayers just bounce off the ceiling. Or that perhaps God is too…


Real Faith Brings Real Confidence

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.15 And if we know…


Love Looks a Lot Like Service

  Love Looks a Lot Like Service You were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:13-14) The word “servant” gets a bad rap.…


Real Comfort and Real Confidence Comes from Knowing I’m a Child of God

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: Real Comfort and Real Confidence Comes from Knowing I’m a Child of God   Every once in awhile life throws us a curve ball. A new season of life. A major life change. A diagnosis. A relational issue. Whether the change is welcome or unwanted these events…

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True Faith Isn’t Religious. It’s REAL.

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: True Faith Isn’t Religious. It’s Real. Whenever someone finds out JP is a pastor they pretty much say the same thing: “Oh, so then you’re really religious.” I don’t like being called religious. In my mind being “religious” carries a negative connotation. I much prefer to think…


If I’m stumbling in the dark it’s because I’m not walking in the light

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: We’ve all stumbled trying to find our way in a dark room. And we have all kinds of reasons we choose darkness over turning on the light; it would disturb our spouse or roommate; our eyes have to adjust to the change; we’re too lazy to deal…


Real Fellowship Brings Real Joy!

Our weekly “Get Real” post from Donna Jones: I love Kelly Minter’s thoughts on fellowship: “The absolute irrevocable result of fellowship is joy. So why are so many of us dragging ourselves to church or Bible study? Why are we bored with religion? Why would we rather do anything than stand around a crusty tin…



It’s here! TONIGHT! Our retreat-like, fun, meaningful evening that you don’t want to miss! Invite your friends and buy your tickets now! Inspiring Guest Speaker Bianca Olthoff will speak on the MORE that every woman wants for 2015! Emcees Brooke and Emmy! Dessert and coffee bar A perfect evening to invite your friends The best way to…