Belong: Membership


Every believer in Jesus Christ is a member of His universal Church (Ephesians 1:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:13-14, Romans 12:4-5). At Crossline, membership is expressed in an active commitment to Christ and the church body. Each local church is free to establish whatever criteria for membership it feels is most important to its mission. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, as evidenced by your testimony and baptism, and if you agree with our Vision, Doctrine, and Core Values, then your buy-in will express itself in the following areas that we refer to as the 4 CORE:

  1. Praying – You will regularly pray for the church and its staff.   It begins and ends with prayer.
  2. Serving – You will put sweat equity into the health and growth of our church body.
  3. Giving   – You will enjoy the privilege and responsibility of regular financial support.
  4. Sharing – You will shine Christ’s light and share Christ’s message, positively inviting your neighbors and friends to experience what God is doing at Crossline.

If you live out these 4 CORE in the context of Crossline Church and would like to formally become a member, join us for BELONG.


Our BELONG class is your next step in connecting and joining our church family here at Crossline. Learn why we exist, what we believe, where we are going, and how to become a connected servant-member.

Enjoy lunch with our Crossline leadership team from 12:30 to 1 PM. The class begins at 1 PM and is over around 3 PM.