Praying like the Apostle Paul
January 16, 2017 | Posted by : Amy Stephenson
Colossians 1:9-12
9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father
The Apostle Paul was a praying servant-leader. In virtually all of his letters there is a prayer he prayed for the churches and for individual Christ followers. This is Paul’s prayer for the Church at Colossae. The Holy Spirit inspired these words and it is a prayer for us to pray today. Read this passage over again and pray for yourself and pray for your Church. Let these truths become part of God’s vision for your life.
1. Ask the Lord to give you a deeper knowledge of God and His will for your life and Church
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you, that you will listen and will receive a God-size vision
3. Pray that you will be transformed by the Spirit, live a live worthy of the Lord, bear much fruit and continually grow in your knowledge of God
4. Pray that you will be strengthened with the power of the Spirit to have great faith and endurance in following Christ
5. Pray that you and your entire Church will be contagious with the joy, gratitude, generosity and thankfulness of Christ
When God’s people pray God-sized prayers, God produces God-sized fruit!