Crossline Blog

15 Things Jesus Would Say to You If You Met Him for Coffee

February 17, 2022 | Posted by : Donna Jones

If you are here after listening to the podcast, Welcome! I’m so glad you are here!

If you haven’t listened yet, I think you’ll find encouragement in ways you might not even know you need. You can find “That’s Just What I Needed” with Donna Jones anywhere you listen to podcasts (Apple Podcasts, Google, Spotify, Podchasher, etc). Today’s blog dovetails with this week’s podcast episode. So, here goes….

15 Things Jesus Might Say to You if You Met Him for Coffee

If you’ve ever heard me speak on spiritual topics you may be familiar with the prayer I pray before I open my Bible to read.  A simple prayer, it’s radically changed how scripture speaks to me. The one-sentence prayer makes the words of the Bible personal. Intimate. Real for me and my life.

Here it is: “Jesus, if you were here with me now, what would you say to me?”

Which brings me to ask, have you ever wondered what Jesus would say to you if you met him for coffee? (If you’ve never thought about it, now you will!)

What would you talk about? Would your conversation be awkward? Encouraging? Easy? Deep?

Would you laugh? Would you cry? Would you feel better afterward?

Would you walk away knowing--really knowing–you’ve been in the presence of someone who loves you deeply? Who knows you intimately? Who actually enjoys being with you?

Although I can’t say for sure what Jesus would say to you if you met Him for coffee, here’s what I think might be at the top of the list:

  1. I love you. Don’t look so surprised. I made you.
  2. I see you. I know about your hopes, your hurts, and your heartaches. I’m here to help.
  3. There is grace for you.
  4. Stop worrying.
  5. Start trusting.
  6. When you talk to Me, I listen.
  7. Get going. Keep going. Get on the right path and stay there. (by the way, I’m the right path and there is no other.)
  8. You are never alone. I am always with you.
  9. The fear you feel isn’t from Me.
  10. Follow Me: Love how I love. See how I see. Do what I do. Give how I give. Live how I lived.
  11. I forgive you. That’s why I allowed myself to be crucified.
  12. The world will never truly satisfy your soul.
  13. Obey me. It’s in your best interest and it brings me great glory.
  14. The people in your life aren’t there by accident. Love them. Deeply. Even the tough ones. Especially the tough ones.
  15. Be still and know that I am God.

I know there are many more things Jesus would say to you. To me. To all of us. His wisdom is endless.

Jesus is, after all, the Word.

But I think, perhaps, He’d start with these.

I’m guessing He’d say one final thing:

Let’s do this again soon. Because I love you.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. – John 1:1 & 14

You are loved (you really, really are!)


P.S. I just received an email from my friend and relationship/marriage expert, Jill Savage (so many of you commented on how much you LOVED her insights on the podcast). She and her husband, Mark, have a few spots open for an upcoming virtual seminar, No More Perfect Marriages Home Edition Seminar on Thursday evenings, February 17-March 10. This is the same seminar they bring to churches all over the country, however, this online seminar allows a couple to take the seminar from the privacy of their own home.

If you’d like to register or need more information, click here.